Custom-free vehicles for Gwadar free Zones in the offing
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Completion of Gwadar International Airport & Currency swap among 14 accords inked with China
On this Independence Day, August 14th, a meeting took place in Gwadar, marking a new era of collaboration and growth for the city. White Pearl City Gwadar’s Chairman, Ali Raza Chaudhry, Director Waqas Hashmi, and CEO Ahmad Raza, met with the Director General of Gwadar Development Authority, Shafqat Shahwani, to align their vision for Gwadar’s...
Aside from its economic and commercial potential for Pakistan, the port city of Gwadar has great strategic value, which has resulted in development and investment, particularly from China. But the ground situation and sentiment suggest that benefits haven’t trickled down to the residents, and a new approach is required for this ‘crown jewel’ to sparkle…...
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